Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Amuse Bouche

Well this is it. After a nag here and a nag there from some amazing friends (they're amazing, I promise!), I have finally started on my blog. So...Hello!

Apologies if the title threw you off, but this post is purely a little teaser in to what my posts will mainly be about, and of course a little about yours truly. To make up for it, there will be photos of yummy food to keep you interested. I will try to keep it short and sweet.


A pistachio and cranberry cake anyone?

I am a BBC- British Born Chinese. If you want to get all technical, I am from Scotland.
I have no children of my own *touch wood* but I have 2 beautiful (and loud) nieces who I love very much.

The aim of this Blog is to spread the word of the amazing restaurants/cafes/tea rooms I have visited and to share recipes that I have tested, be it good or just plain nasty! This is not a platform for me to have a moan, in fact I will try my best to say good things where I can but I will be honest with my opinions. 
I am mainly a baker so most of my recipes and ones I test will be baking based. Bring on TGBBO 2014!
I am a seafood lover! This was at The Bridgeview Station in Dundee.

I love everything about food and I love to try different types of dishes . The countries where different dishes originated from, the meaning to the dishes and how it can bring people together is an amazing thing.

"Isa, do you live to eat or eat to live?" was the question that was thrown at me a few years ago and from all the above, what do you think? 
The best stall at The Good Food Show in Glasgow!


  1. Great to see it up and running! I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your own baking and recipes :)

    1. Thanks Heather! I will try and post new material when I can :) x

  2. Looking awesome Isa! Your site looks fab! xxx

    1. Thanks Genna! I could not have done it without


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